Ontario's Electricity System
Ontario map outline https://freevectormaps.com/canada/ontario/CA-ON-EPS-01-0001
Ontario Load Predictor for Electricity Consumers
Large electricity consumers including: EV fleet operators, commercial, industrial and institutional large consumers can use the service to accurately predict upcoming electricity system demand peaks. This allows them to reduce their demand at the right time to reduce the demand on the system and avoid higher energy costs during these periods, including coincident peaks that set Global Adjustment charges in Ontario, and similar peak demand charges in other system markets.
This can be achieved by reducing dispatchable loads, modulating or shifting EV charging and discharging energy from local energy storage.. Subscriptions are available with additional capabilities for users. Subscription to service with Atlas will provide additional features:
- Intraday forecasts on demand covering several hours ahead from the time the dispatch is requested all the way to midnight of the same day
- Access to historical data and ability to download data/history
- Downloadable reports showing forecast, actual and Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- Option to integrate with other services such as to provide notification of upcoming Ontario ICI/GA coincident peak events for industrial and large commercial consumers and BluWave-ai GA predictor service
To subscribe to the service, contact [email protected]