In this installment of our Global Energy Transition Summit series, the panel will look at the role of AI-Driven Grid Scale Battery Energy Storage Optimization in the global energy transition.

The Problem: Many parties who have vested interests in keeping things the way they are don’t want to transition grids to high renewable content, claiming that wind energy and solar energy are unreliable and not available when they are needed. On their own, there may be some reality to this, but being able to predict what quantity and when wind and solar energy are available and moving grid needs to when they are available, or moving that energy to when the grid needs that energy solves the problem.

Global energy demand is predicted by IEA.org to expand to 5900 TWh by 2030, while renewables in electricity generation rise from 28% in 2021 to about 50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050 while electrification of the energy transport sectors are increasing demand. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are crucial for meeting global energy demands and ensuring the reliability of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. BESS converts intermittent solar and wind energy into dispatchable power, helping utilities manage electricity needs effectively and avoid costly infrastructure upgrades.

The Solution: Managing BESS effectively requires a system that is grid-aware, that understands what is happening in the whole grid, not just locally at the BESS site. This involves predicting demand, generation and grid conditions, providing in real-time the best strategy to optimally charge and discharge the battery cost-effectively and to better support the grid: A system that can communicate effectively with basic battery management software, ensuring it operates efficiently and responds dynamically to fluctuating grid conditions.

Storage in the grid can be in residences, at industrial sites at substations or large-scale batteries connected to the transmission grid. They all have a role individually and on the collective to enable onboarding of more wind and solar and paving the path to this future grid.




11 am
Eastern Time

Global Energy Transition Summit:

AI-Driven Grid Storage Optimization: the Key to Meeting Global Energy Demand




  • 10:30 AM - Registration and Networking
  • 10:50 AM - Welcome Remarks from Sonya Shorey, Interim President and CEO, Invest Ottawa
  • 11:00 AM - Panel Discussion featuring:
    • Devashish Paul (Moderator): CEO and Co-Founder, BluWave-ai
    • David Short: Senior Director, Enabling Resources Program, Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
    • Raj Pattani: Director, Strategic Policy, Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
    • Geoff Wright: Head of Development, Brookfield Renewable
    • Sam Arsenault: Production Supervisor, Sunbank Renewable Energy
    • TBD: Hydro Ottawa
  • 11:45 AM - Audience Q+A
  • 12:00 PM - Closing Remarks
  • Laurie Heuff: is a seasoned professional in the field of energy distribution, currently serving as the Director of Distribution Engineering and Asset Management at Hydro Ottawa. With a career spanning over several decades, Laurie brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her role, marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for driving innovation in the energy sector.



  • Jen Hiscock: is Director of Electricity, Transportation & Buildings Innovation for Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy R&D. She manages R&D and Demonstration Programs, funding innovation projects across Canada, and champions the Innovation & Electricity Regulation Initiative in Canada




  • Maral Kassabian: is a Senior Manager at the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) – Ontario’s electricity market and system operator. She currently manages multi-million dollar innovation funding programs which evaluate innovative technologies and business models that support electricity sector evolution in Ontario and inform regulatory and policy advancement. This includes pilot projects that demonstrate how distributed energy resources (DER), demand-side management solutions and electric vehicles can support the distribution network and the provincial electricity system. Maral is known for developing and cultivating strategic partnerships across the electricity sector and beyond which support the IESO in preparing for the electricity system of tomorrow. She is a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario and holds an MSc. in Mechanical Engineering.



  • Susanna Zagar: Susanna Zagar is a new class of energy regulator, with a clear vision for delivering public value through a fit-for-purpose regulatory framework and commitment to adjudicative excellence that advances Ontario’s economic, social and environmental objectives. She believes that an independent economic regulator must protect residential and commercial consumers from risk, not from progress, and she actively champions the position that the regulator can and must be part of Ontario’s clean energy advantage. As Chief Executive Officer since 2020, Ms. Zagar has earned a reputation as a forward thinker, a problem solver and a key player in the success of Ontario’s energy transition. She has brought clarity of purpose to an organization that exists to protect the interests of millions of electricity and natural gas consumers in one of the largest and most complex energy sectors in North America, and her tenure has been marked by true collaboration, ruthless transparency and steadfast independence. Beyond her role in Ontario’s energy sector, Susanna has stepped up to provide leadership at the national level by joining the Executive Committee of the Canadian association of utility regulators (CAMPUT) and working internationally to advance regulatory excellence, most recently at the World Forum on Energy Regulation in Peru and at the United Nations’ Climate Conference, COP28, in Dubai. Named as one of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada by the Women’s Executive Network, Susanna is an accomplished executive and engaged citizen whose volunteer commitments include leadership roles with the United Way of Great Toronto, Peel and York, the national Prosperity Project and the International Women’s Forum. She was recently honoured to receive an Ontario Volunteer Service Award in recognition of more than 30 years of service across a variety of sectors.



7 Bayview Station Road Ottawa, ON K1Y 2C5